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How to Build a Cloud Computing Network

How to Build a Cloud Computing Network
Most of us are familiar with the delivery of information technology services through servers.  There is however another way of accessing these same services through cloud computing.  The name refers to the fact that the required resources are found in the “clouds” since the user is not required to be in a specific place to have access to such resources.  The cloud symbol often seen in diagrams is used to represent the Internet.
Simply put, these resources are retrieved from the Internet using web-based tools and applications.  Working remotely is possible since the cloud computing structure permits information access on the mere condition that there is web access.  Business may find cloud computing services more cost-effective in the aspect of managing information since they are not required to own servers.
There are marked advantages in using cloud computing including convenience and ease of use since the provider takes charge of managing the service.  Users will just have to have their computers with Internet access.  They are also given the choice of determining how much service they want to avail of at any given time.  There are offered options either for a public or private cloud.  The main difference between the two is the market to whom the service is being offered.  While public clouds are offered to all Internet users, private clouds are only limited to a specific number of people.  A difference in service may also occur depending on the category chosen since cloud computing services may either be related to infrastructure, platform, or software.
To make the cloud computing service work, an effective cloud computing network has to be built.  The aim is to enable a pool of resources to function as an solid whole, the product of which should be made available to users regardless of location.  To accomplish this, networks will have to be flexible on provided bandwidth, management function, and maintaining visibility regardless of prevailing environment.
To avoid the expected bottleneck from the use of services as provided in the public Internet, many companies are opting to build their private cloud networks.  Essentially, those who practice this convert their respective data centers into hosted platforms.  Whether a company chooses to build a public or private cloud network, it will have to link storage and servers to the LAN.  There is a need to ensure seamless flow of data and applications through storage systems, including the data center and the LAN.  To enable cloud computing networks to work, proper attention also has to be given to virtual switching.
About the Guest Blogger:
Denise believes that anyone can build a cloud computing network with ProfitBricks.   She is an SEO expert who provides consultation services to various companies.

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